The Floating Point Numbers System

Floating Point Format

Bits, Bites and Words

base 10conversionbase 2
1$1=2^0$0000 0001
2$2=2^1$0000 0010
4$4=2^2$0000 0100
8$8=2^3$0000 1000
9$8+1=2^3+2^0$0000 1001
10$8+2=2^3+2^1$0000 1010
27$16+8+2+1=2^4+2^3+2^1+2^0$0001 1011


The standard integer format is 16 bit, with range $$(-32768,32767)=(-2^{-15},2^{15}-1),$$ so that the 16bit word $$(b_{15}\dots b_0)_2$$ represents the integer $$b_{15}\cdot2^{15}+\dots+b_0\cdot2^0-2^{15}.$$

In MatLab, integers by default are stored as double-precision floating point. You can force using proper integer types to save memory, e.g.
x = int16(325)

In Python integers are implemented so that the only limit to the size of an integer is given by the amount of memory of the machine on which the code runs.

Single-precision floating-point numbers

IEEE 754 standard: Sign (1 bit), Exponent (8 bits), Mantissa (23+1 bits)
The first bit of the mantissa is always equal to 1 and so not stored.
The 8 bit exponent range is $(-126,127)$, obtained from $(0,2^8-1)$ via a shift by $-127$ and reserving the exponents $-127$ (0 and denormalized numbers) and $128$ (Inf and NaN).
The 23 bit mantissa represents the binary number $(1.b_{22}\dots b_{0})_2$

Significant decimal digits: 6 to 9.

Range: $(2^{-126},2^{127})\simeq(1.18 \cdot 10^{-38},1.70 \cdot 10^{38})$

Double-precision floating-point numbers

IEEE 754 standard: Sign (1 bit), Exponent (11 bits), Mantissa (52+1 bits)
The first bit of the mantissa is always equal to 1 and so not stored.
The 11 bit exponent range is $(-1022,1023)$, obtained from $(0,2^{11}-1)$ via a shift by $-1023$ and reserving the exponents $-1023$ (0 and denormalized numbers) and $1024$ (Inf and NaN).
The 52 bit mantissa represents the binary number $(1.b_{51}\dots b_{0})_2$
Bits layout:

Significant decimal digits: 15 to 17.
Range: $(2^{-1023},2^{1024})\simeq(10^{-308},10^{308})$

Important General Facts

  • When a number $x$ is stored in floating point format, it is rounded to the nearest floating point number $\hat x=f(x)$.
    Example: in single precision, $\frac{1}{3}=(0.\overline{01})_2$ is stored as $$(0.0101010101010101011)_2=\frac{11184811}{33554432}\simeq0.3333334.$$
  • The machine precision $\epsilon$ is the smallest number such that $1+\epsilon>1$. Four single precision floating point arithmetic $\epsilon=2^{-23}\simeq1.2\cdot10^{-7}$, for double precision
  • This is also an upper bound for the largest relative rounding error, namely $$\frac{|\hat x-x|}{|x|}\leq\epsilon.$$

Floating Point Arithmetic

It is very important to realize that, except in very rare special cases, floating point arithmetic operations are not exact.

For example, the expression 0.5 + 0.25 == 0.75 returns of course TRUE (why?) while 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 returns FALSE (try!).
To confuse things, sometimes approximated expressions give, just by chance, the correct result, e.g. 0.1 + 0.3 == 0.4 returns TRUE.

Lesson 1: DO NOT compare naively floating points in your code but rather check whether their are close within some tolerance small parameter, e.g. use something like
abs(0.1 + 0.2 - 0.3) < tolerance.

Lesson 2: do expect that the results of your floating point operations have an error. See below for some elementary way to estimate such errors.
In the remainder of this section we denote by $\oplus,\ominus,\otimes,\oslash$
the corresponding operations in floating point arithmetic,
e.g. $a\oplus b=fl\left(fl(a)+fl(b)\right)$.
We start with an interesting example: $3\odot\left(4\oslash3\ominus1\right)\ominus1=\epsilon_m$.
$$ 1\oslash3=1.\overbrace{01\dots01}^{22}1_2\cdot10_2^{-2} = 0.\overbrace{01\dots01}^{24}1_2 $$

$$ 4\oslash3 = 4\otimes(1\oslash3) = 1.\overbrace{01\dots01}^{22}1_2 $$

$$ 4\oslash3\ominus1 = 0.\overbrace{01\dots01}^{22}1_2 $$

$$ 3\otimes(4\oslash3\ominus1) = 0.\overbrace{10\dots10}^{20}11_2 + 0.\overbrace{01\dots01}^{20}011_2 = 1.\overbrace{0\dots0}^{22}1_2 $$

$$ 3\odot\left(4\oslash3\ominus1\right)\ominus1=0.\overbrace{0\dots0}^{22}1_2 = 2^{-23}=\epsilon_m $$

Propagation of Errors: multiplication/division

Assume that $fl(x)=x+\delta x$ and $fl(y)=y+\delta y$ and set $\epsilon_x=\frac{\delta x}{x}$, $\epsilon_y=\frac{\delta y}{y}$. Then, from Taylor series, $$ \frac{1}{y+\delta y} \simeq \frac{1}{y} - \frac{\delta y}{y^2} $$

so that it's enough to see what happens for multiplication. Since

$$ \left|\frac{(x+\delta x)(y+\delta y)-xy}{xy}\right|=\left|\frac{\delta x}{x}+\frac{\delta y}{y}+\frac{\delta x}{x}\frac{\delta y}{y}\right| \leq \epsilon_x+\epsilon_y+\epsilon_x\epsilon_y $$


$$ \epsilon_{xy}\simeq \epsilon_x+\epsilon_y $$

Propagation of Errors: addition/subtraction

In this case a similar relation holds for absolute errors: $$ \delta(x\pm y) \leq \delta x + \delta y $$

which is bad news for the relative error:

$$ \left|\frac{(x+\delta x)\pm(y+\delta y)-(x\pm y)}{x\pm y}\right|=\left|\frac{\delta x\pm \delta y}{x\pm y}\right|\leq \frac{x}{x\pm y}\epsilon_x + \frac{y}{x\pm y}\epsilon_y $$

When $x\pm y$ gets very small and $x$ (and $y$) do not, the relative error $\epsilon_{x\pm y}$ gets very big.

Example: $x=1.001$, $\delta x=0.001$, $y=1.000$, $\delta y=0.001$,



IEEE Arithmetic

In general, in floating point arithmetic, if $a$ and $b$ are floating point numbers (namely here we are not considering the errors due to the roundoff of $a$ and $b$ themselves),

$$ a\oplus b = (a+b)(1+\epsilon), \epsilon\leq\epsilon_m, $$

$$ a\ominus b = (a-b)(1+\epsilon), \epsilon\leq\epsilon_m, $$

$$ a\otimes b = (a\cdot b)(1+\epsilon), \epsilon\leq\epsilon_m, $$

$$ a\oslash b = \frac{a}{b}(1+\epsilon), \epsilon\leq\epsilon_m, $$

An Elementary Application


Analyze the relative error in computing the smallest root $x_0$ of


for small $\delta>0$. Notice that $x_0>0$.

Solution 1

Let us use first the formula $x_0=1-\sqrt{1-\delta}$ (for small $\delta$, $x_0\simeq\delta/2$), so

$$fl(\sqrt{1-\delta})\simeq\sqrt{(1-\delta)(1+\epsilon_m)}(1+\epsilon_m)\simeq \sqrt{1-\delta}(1+3\epsilon_m/2),$$
Then $\;\;\;fl(x_0)\simeq\left(1-\sqrt{1-\delta}(1+1.5\epsilon_m)\right)(1+\epsilon_m)$ and

$$ |fl(x_0)-x_0|\simeq x_0\cdot\left|1.5\frac{\sqrt{1-\delta}}{x_0}\epsilon_m+\epsilon_m\right| $$ so that $$ \frac{|fl(x_0)-x_0|}{x_0}\simeq\frac{1.5\epsilon_m}{x_0}\simeq\frac{3\epsilon_m}{\delta}. $$

When $\delta$ gets very small, the relative error in $x_0$ gets very big!

Solution 2

Let us use now, instead, the mathematically equivalent expression $$x'_0=\frac{\delta}{1+\sqrt{1-\delta}}$$

Now $$ fl(x'_0)\simeq\frac{\delta}{(1+\sqrt{1-\delta}(1+1.5\epsilon_m))(1+\epsilon_m)}(1+\epsilon_m)\simeq\frac{\delta}{1+\sqrt{1-\delta}(1+2.5\epsilon_m)}(1+\epsilon_m) $$ so that

$$ |fl(x'_0)-x'_0|\simeq \frac{4.5\epsilon_m\delta}{(1+\sqrt{1-\delta})(1+\sqrt{1-\delta}(1+2.5\epsilon_m))} $$ and $$ \frac{|fl(x'_0)-x'_0|}{x'_0}\simeq\frac{4.5\epsilon_m}{1+\sqrt{1-\delta}(1+2.5\epsilon_m)}\leq4.5\epsilon_m $$

Now the error does not diverge anymore!


Is it more precise to evaluate $(a-b)^2$ via $$ (a,b)\to(a\ominus b)\to(a\ominus b)\otimes(a\ominus b) $$ or via $$ (a,b)\to(a\otimes a,a\otimes b,b\otimes b)\to (a\otimes a)\ominus 2(a\otimes b)\oplus(b\otimes b) $$ ?
It depends on whether $a$ and $b$ are close or far. E.g. consider a decimal floating point system with two digits and take $a=1.8$ and $b=1.7$. Then $$ a\ominus b=0.1\;\hbox{ and }\;(a\ominus b)\otimes(a\ominus b)=0.01 $$

gives the exact solution while

$$ (a\otimes a)\ominus 2(a\otimes b)\oplus(b\otimes b)=3.2-6.2+2.9=-0.10\; (!!!) $$ But, when $a=1.0$ and $b=0.05$, so that $(a-b)^2=0.9025$, $$ a\ominus b=1.0\;\hbox{ and }\;(a\ominus b)\otimes(a\ominus b)=1.0 $$ while $$ (a\otimes a)\ominus 2(a\otimes b)\oplus(b\otimes b)=1-0.10+0.0025=0.90 $$


Is it more precise to evaluate $a^2-b^2$ via $$ (a,b)\to(a\oplus b,a\ominus b)\to(a\oplus b)\otimes(a\ominus b) $$ or via $$ (a,b)\to(a\otimes a,b\otimes b)\to (a\otimes a)\ominus(b\otimes b) $$ ?
As before, it depends on whether $a$ and $b$ are close or far.
E.g. consider again a decimal floating point system with two digits and take $a=1.8$ and $b=1.7$. Then $a\oplus b=3.5$ and $a\ominus b=0.1$, so $$ (a\oplus b)\otimes(a\ominus b)=0.35 $$ gives , as before, the exact solution while
$$ (a\otimes a)\ominus(b\otimes b)=3.2-2.9=0.30 $$ But for $a=1.0$ and $b=0.59$, so that $a^2-b^2=0.6519$,

$$ a\oplus b=1.5, a\ominus b=0.5\;\hbox{ so that }\;(a\oplus b)\otimes(a\ominus b)=0.75 $$ while $$ (a\otimes a)\ominus(b\otimes b)=1.0-0.35=0.70 $$