A parameter-dependent dynamical system is always subject to bifurcations that effect its qualitative evolution in general, and the stability of the equilibria in particular.
The results of Routh, and the so called Routh-Hurwitz conditions are the most commonly used techniques to investigate the linear stability of an equilibrium, and to define the domain in parameter space in which a given equilibrium is stable. In this presentation we revisit these results concentrating on marginal ipersurfaces: at which bifurcations takes place.
The marginal ipersurfaces are algebraic and semi-algebraic varieties in invariant space, that can be pulled-back to the space of parameters of the dynamical system. They possess a stratified structure and a labelling due to the type and the codimension of bifurcations.
Due to Grobman-Hartman theorem, generic equilibria can be associated to four natural numbers (whose sum is the dimension of the phase space), a bifurcation generates a change in such numbers, and is connected to one of the following marginal events:
- an eigenvalues vanishes;
- two complex-conjugate eigenvalues touch the purely imaginary axes;
- a real eigenvalue has higher multiplicity.
An analysis of the characteristic polynomial allows to characterise these marginal events, to define ipersurfaces that separate the parameter space in connected domains in which the four natural numbers are constant, and to characterise the ipersurfaces depending on the type of change that takes place crossing them. The four natural numbers can be computed analytically, using residues and a sequence of integers called Sturm's sequence.
The analysis can be extended to the Hamiltonian case, and to Floquet theory.