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Howard University
Washington, DC (USA)
Given a map $p:M\to M$, $\alpha_p(x)$ is the set of all $y\in M$ s.t.
Theorem [Fatou 1920]
Numerically one gets similar results in case of real Newton maps
(see below Newton's map of $p(x,y)=(x(x^2-1)+60y,y(y^2-1)-x)$),
but in this case
about the inverse dynamics
in a discrete dynamical system?
The answer is strictly related to the
qualitative dynamics nearby invariant sets.
I will answer this question referring to the the logistic map
but all my arguments hold for any S-unimodal map.
we denote by
and by
Given a point
A point an $\varepsilon$-chain from |
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L. Jonker
D. Rand
S. van Strien
J. Guckenheimer
M. Lyubich
A. Blokh
C. Conley
L. Jonker
D. Rand
S. van Strien
J. Guckenheimer
M. Lyubich
A. Blokh
C. Conley
Each discrete dynamical system $f:X\to X$ on a compact metric space $X$
has a Lyapunov function.
1. The nodes of $\Gamma_f$ are the equivalence classes of $\cal R_f$.
2. There is an edge
from node $M$ to node $N$
if there is a bitrajectory $t$
s.t. $\omega_f(t)\subset N$ and $\alpha_f(t)\subset M$.
The graph of the logistic map is a tower,
namely there is an edge
between each pair of nodes.
Since $\Gamma_f$ has no loops, this means that nodes can be sorted linearly: $N_0,N_1,\dots,N_{p-1},N_p$.
Arbitrarily close to $N_i$,
for each $j\geq i$ there are points asymptoting to $N_j$.
No point close enough to $N_i$
can asymptote to $N_j$ for $j>i$.
Roughly speaking,
The extreme cases are:
is the whole non-wandering set $\Omega_{\ell_\mu}$