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Howard University
Washington, DC (USA)
THEOREM [Hawkins, Taylor (2003)].Let $f:\Bbb C\to\Bbb C$ be a rational map of degree $\geq2$.
Recall that, in this case, $f$ has a unique repellor,
its "Julia set" $J_f$.
Then, for any $z_0\in\Bbb C$ (except at most two points) and for almost all bitrajectories $t$ based at $z_0$, $s\alpha(t)=J_f$.
A point $x$ is an $\epsilon$-chain from $x$ to itself. We denote by |
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THEOREM [Conley (1972), Norton (1995)]In other words, for every bitrajectory
Let $f:M\to M$ be a continuous map.
Outside the chain-recurrent set $\cal R_f\subset M$,
the dynamics of $f$ is gradient-like.
In R. De Leo, J.A. Yorke,
The graph of the logistic map is a tower, Discr. & Cont. DS (2021),
we proved that all nodes of the Logistic map
can be sorted in a linear order
THEOREM [RdL, Yorke (2021)]
Each repelling node $N$ has a periodic point $p_1(N)$ s.t.$d(N,c)=d(p_1(N),c)$ and comes with acyclic trapping region ${\cal T}(N)$, that is a forward-invariant cycle of closed intervals$J_1=J_1(N),\ell_\mu(J_1),\dots,\ell_\mu^{\ k-1}(J_1)$ such that:
$\ell_\mu^{\ k}(J_1)\subset J_1$ .
Remark 1
Trapping regions are nested one into the other.
Remark 2
Node $N_{i+1}$ is the set of all chain-recurrent points of ${\cal T}(N_i)$ that never fall in the interior of ${\cal T}(N_{i+1})$ under $\ell_\mu$.
THEOREM [RdL (2021)].
Let $x$ be a level-$k$ point. If $x\in N_k$, then $s\alpha(x)=N_0\cup N_1\cup\dots\cup N_k\;$ Otherwise, for $k < p$, $s\alpha(x)=N_0\cup N_1\cup\dots\cup N_{r}$ for $r=k$ or $r=k-1$ or $r=k-2\;$; for $k = p$, $s\alpha(x)=N_0\cup N_1\cup\dots\cup N_{r}$ for $r=p-1$ or $r=p-2\;$.