Lecture 1, January 18
- Introduction to the course.
- Numbers in base 2, 10 and 16.
- Annotated copy of Numerical Algorithms and digital representation, Chapter 3.
- Section 1.1 of my Numerical Analysis compendium. You can start giving a look to the code in that section and run it (it is MATLAB code).
Tutorials on positional notation:
- The positional notation from Wikipedia.
- The binary system from Wikipedia.
- The positional notation by D. Knuth.
Homework #1
Due date: Jan. 27- Write the decimal numbers 65,17,1024 in binary (look at Sec. 3.2.2 of Numerical Algorithms and digital representation).
- Write in binary the following fractions: $\frac{1}{2},\,\frac{1}{3},\,\frac{1}{4},\,\frac{1}{5},\,\frac{1}{8},\,\frac{1}{10}$ (look at Sec. 3.3.3 of Numerical Algorithms and digital representation).
Lecture 2, January 20
- Floating Point systems
- Single and Double precision floating point numbers
- Section 1.7 (it begins at the end of p. 35), from Chapter 1 of Moler's Numerical Computing with MATLAB beautiful (and free!) book
- The first 8 pages from these Floating Point numbers slides
- IEEE 754 Floating Point Representation
- My slides.
Useful Links
- Converter from decimal to single precision floating point
- Single precision floating point numbers from Wikipedia.
- Double precision floating point numbers from Wikipedia.
- Fall96Cleve.pdf, a very interesting article on Floating point systems by Cleve Moler
- The binary system from Wikipedia.
Homework #1
Due date: Jan. 27- Consider a Floating point system F with base 10 and 3 digits mantissa (namely each number in F has 3 digits) and evaluate the expression
in that system.
Remark: when you do this, you need to do operations one by one starting from the innermost and moving outwards. So, first evaluate 4/3, then subtract to it 1 and so on. At every step you need to cut the result to make it a number of F. - Evaluate the same expression for single (32bits) and double precision (64bits) floating point numbers.
- Set $a=10^{35}, b=10^{-5}, c=-10^{35}, d=10^{-5}$. Evaluate by hand the results, in double precision, of the operations
$a+b+c+d$ (which means $((a+b)+c)+d$) and $(a+b)+(c+d)$. Verify your guess with MATLAB or Python.
Remark: and easy way to input, say, $10^{35}$ into a variablea
in MATLAB and Python is using the syntaxa=1e35;
Lecture 3, January 25
- Floating Point numbers
- Floating Point Arithmetic.
- Propagation of errors in floating point arithmetic.
- Examples of catastrophic cancellations
- Section 1.2 and 1.3.
- My slides.
- Someone actually did a webpage, with a quite appropriate URL!, about the fact that
see https://0.30000000000000004.com/ !
In case you want to know more
- What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic, by David Goldberg (1991) This document contains much more than you need to know in this class about Floating Point Arithmetic but it is a good reference in case you need some extra info.
- One of the most deep and complete discussions about floating point systems and their arithmetic can be found in Chapter 4 of
Donald Knuth's
The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 2.
(In case you do not know, it is to typeset beautifully the book series The Art of Computer Programming that Donald Knuth created TeX!)
- Some disasters caused by numerical errors, a demonstration of how important is to deal carefully with floating point calculations!
- CVBK.pdf, a very interesting study of a remarkable example of catastrophic cancellation. It is a research article and it is not very easy to read but I suggest you to give it a try because it shows you in good detail how different hardwares work (e.g. Intel, Sun & IBM architectures).
Homework #2
Due date: Feb. 3Solve problems 2,3,7 in 1.5.
Lecture 4, January 27
(purple topics are about coding in MATLAB/Octave and Python)- Propagation of errors in floating point arithmetic.
- An example of catastrophic cancellations: solving $x^2-2x+\delta=0$.
- The four operations.
- Loops and Conditionals.
- What is Numerical Analysis.
- Numerical evaluation of the first derivative of a function.
- Truncation and Rounding errors.
Math MATLAB- Section 1.4, and 2.4 and 3.5.
- Section More basic concepts from A gentle intro to numerical simulation with MATLAB/Octave.
In case you want to know more
- What is Numerical Analysis?, an interesting a short essay on the essence of this course's topic by one of its greater exponents, Lloyd Trefethen.
Homework #2
Due date: Feb. 3- When do you expect that the expression $$\sqrt{x^4+1}-x^2$$ is subject to catastrophic cancellation? Find a way to re-write the expression that avoids this problem. Write a program in MatLab or Python to evaluate this expression and your version in a case that shows catastrophic cancellation and verify that your one gives a much more precise result than the original one.
- Consider the problem of computing the Euclidean norm $\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$ of the vector $(a,b)$. What happens when $a$ and $b$ become "too big"? And what does it mean exactly "too big" in this context assuming to use 64bit floating point numbers? Suggest a way to re-write the formula so that the problem disappears. Write a program in MatLab or Python to evaluate this number in the "naif" way and in the way you suggest and verify that your formula works even when the first does not.
- Write MATLAB and Python codes to evaluate the sum of the cubes of the first 20 natural integers and verify the result using the formula $$ \sum_{k=1}^n k^3 = \frac{n^2(n+1)^2}{4}. $$
Lecture 5, February 1
- Truncation and round-off errors
- Numerical evaluation of the first derivative of a function: Forward differencing.
- Numerical evaluation of the first derivative of a function: Centered differencing.
- Arrays in MATLAB.
- Plots in MATAB.
Math MATLAB- Section 1.4, and 2.4 and 3.5.
- Section More basic concepts from A gentle intro to numerical simulation with MATLAB/Octave.
Homework #3
Due date: Feb. 10- Using either Python or MatLab/Octave (or both!) do the following: define a variable $a$ to be equal to 2.6 and print it out to 15 digits after the dot. Then add to it 0.2 and print it again to verify the correctedness of the operation. After adding 0.2 to $a$ three times you will see the appearance of an error, explain why. What happens if, instead, you add directly 0.6 to 2.6? Why?
- Write code in MatLab or Python (or both!) to compute $r=p^2-2q^2$ with $p=665857$ and $q=470832$
in single and in double precision. Explain the reason for the unexpected result you get. Is any of those two numbers correct?
Remark: in MatLab you can force a variable to represent a single-precision floating point number using the instructionsingle , e.g.p=single(665857) . In Python there is no such thing and you will have to call NumPy, e.g. withimport numpy . After that, you can use instrutions likep=numpy.float32(665857) to force a number to be stored in 32 bits format. - Modify the MATLAB/Octave code in Section 2.2 to evaluate the precision
of the Forward differencing method (2.2.1) and of the Centered differencing method (2.2.2) in case of the function $e^x$ at $x_0=2$.
Remark: in both MatLab and Python the value of $e^x$ is obtain using the instructionexp(x) .
Lecture 6, February 3
- Arrays in Python.
- Plots in Python.
- Ordinary Differential Equations.
- ODEs Initial Value Problems: Existence and Uniqueness of solutions.
Math PythonLecture 7, February 8
- Examples of IVP with:
- Unique solutions defined at all times;
- Unique solutiosn that blow up at finite time;
- Non-unique solutions.
Explicit Euler method:
- Local error.
- An example of implementation (from Sec. 9.3).
Math PythonLecture 8, February 10
Explicit Euler method:
- A second example of implementation.
- Global error.
- Round-off error.
- Compensated summation.
- Stability.
- Variable step-size.
- Explicit Euler method.
- Sec. 2.1.1 from the textbook.
Homework set #4
Due date: Feb. 17- Write (by hand, no numerics involved!) any two distinct solutions of $\dot x=x^{1/3}, x(0)=0$.
- Find (by hand, no numerics involved!) the unique solution to $\dot x=x^3, x(x_0)=t_0$ and find at which time does the function blows up.
- Modify the code at Sec. 1.3 (or write your own!) to evaluate the solution to the IVP $$\dot x = x^2,\;\; x(1)=1$$ at time $t=1.5$ and find which value of $h=10^{-k}$ is needed to find $x(1.5)$ with a precision of $10^{-6}$.
- Use some code at Sec. 1.3 (or write your own!) to show numerically that the local error of the Euler method is of order 2.
Lecture 9, February 15
- Explicit Euler method:
- Compensated Summation
- Variable step-size.
- Explicit Heun method.
- Sections 1.4 and 1.5.
- The first 5 pages of these lectures notes by J. Feldman.
In case you want more readings
- Adaptive step-size from Wikipedia.
- Variable Step Size Methods, from Integral Calculus by Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer and Elyse Yeager (U. of BC).
Lecture 10, February 17
- Taylor methods
- Multistep methods
- Runge-Kutta methods
Homework set #5
Due date: Feb. 24- In class we used all algorithms I covered to solve ODEs whose exact solution is known in order to check their convergence.
In real life, of course we have no such luxury. How can we say then that a numerical solution is correct? A criterion
often used in practice is the following heuristic principle: the digits that stabilize as $h$ decreases are correct.
A second criterion is solving the same ODE with a different method and verify that one gets the same values with both
of them.
Adopt these principles to find the first 6 digits of the value at $t=10$ of the solution of the following IVP, for which
the exact expression is not known:
\dot x = \sin t-0.1x^3,\;\;x(0)=4.
Use the following numerical methods: Euler, RK4, the Taylor method of order 2 and the Adam-Bashcroft multistep method
of order 2 (either write your own code or modify the one in the lecture notes). For each method, find the order of magnitude
of the smallest
h for which the first 6 digits of $x(10)$ are correct. Send me the code you used in a text attachment.
Lecture 11, February 22
- Convergence, Consistency and Stability of an ODE method.
- Implicit Methods
- Stability regions.
- Sections 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10
- Section 5.2 of these Lecture Notes from MIT.
Lecture 12, February 24
- Stiff ODEs.
- Examples of IVP on the plane.
- Sections 1.11, 1.12.
- Sections 1 and 2 from the Mini-course on Geometric Integrators by D. Cohen (Umea U., Sweden)
Homework set #6
Due date: Mar. 3- Prove that the Implicit Euler method is consistent, namely that its local error goes to 0 with
h . - Prove the formula for the stability region of the RK4 method.
- Find the formula for the stability region of the implicit trapezoidal algorithm.
Lecture 13, March 1
- Examples of IVP on the plane.
- Geometrical integrators.
- SciPy IVP solvers
- MATLAB IVP solvers
- Sections 1.12, 1.13 and 1.14
- Sections 1 and 2 from the Mini-course on Geometric Integrators by D. Cohen (Umea U., Sweden)
Lecture 14, March 3
- Boundary Value problems:
- Shooting method;
- Finite Differences method.
- Sections 1.16, 1.17.
- The Shooting Methods and Finite Difference Method from Python Programming And Numerical Methods: A Guide For Engineers And Scientists, Elsevier, 2020.
- Video lecture on the shooting method by J. Chasnov (Hong-Kong U.)
- Video lecture on the finite difference method by K. Mooney
Lecture 15, March 15
- SciPy BVP solvers
- MATLAB BVP solvers
- General facts about PDEs
- Sections 1.18, 1.19 and 2.1
- Section 1.3 from Numerical Methods for PDEs.
Lecture 16, March 17
- Classification of PDEs based on characteristics.
- The Advection PDE.
- The FTBS method.
- Sections 2.1 and 2.2.
- Advection lecture notes by S. Gurevich (Munster U., Germany)
- Video lecture on Finite Differences applied to the Advection PDE, by C. Hewett (Newcastle U., UK)
Homework set #7
Due date: March 24- Recall that the energy of the physical pendulum ODE in Sec. 1.12 is given by $$E(x,y) = \frac{y^2}{2}+1-\cos x.$$ Write code (or modify the existing code) to plot the difference between the exact energy and the numerical energy versus time for the case solved in the lecture notes with the three methods: Explicit Euler, Implicit Euler and Symplectic Euler. Leave all parameter values unchanged. What do these plots say to you?
- Solve numerically the linear BVP in Sec. 1.17 for
n=1250,2500,5000,10000,20000. For each of these values of n , evaluate the maximum error between the numerical and the exact solution and use these values to estimate the global order of the Finite Difference method.
Lecture 17, March 22
- FTBS: local error order
- FTBS: the CFL condition
- FTBS: von Neumann conditions
- FTBS: Python implementation
Lecture 18, March 24
- Different types out of ways of displaying the numerical solutions in Python
- FTFS method
- FTCS method
- Lax method
- Why do we see dispersion in advection's numerical solutions
Lecture 19, March 29
- FTBS global order
- Code vectorization
- 1D animations in Python
- Leapfrog method
- Chapter 2.4 from Finite Difference Computing with PDEs
Lecture 20, March 31
- Lax-Wendroff method
- The 1D Wave PDE
- FTBS method
- Lax method
- Leapfrog method
- CTCS method
- The 2D Wave PDE
Lecture 21, Apr 5
- 2D animations in Python
- Consistency, Stability and Convergence of a Finite Difference method
- The Lax Theorem: under consistency, Stability and Convergence are equivalent
- Parabolic PDEs
- FTCS method
Lecture 22, Apr 7
- Analytical solutions of the Heat PDE
- Instantaneous propagation of signals under Parabolic PDEs
- CTCS method
- DuFort-Frankel method
- BTCS method
- Crank-Nicholson method
- The 2D Heat PDE
- The 1D Advection-Diffusion PDE
- Section 2.4
- Watch this MIT video lecture about the difference in speed propagation of signals in Wave and Heat PDEs.
Homework set #8
Due date: April 16- Modify the FTBS method in Section to study numerically the Burgers' nonlinear PDE $$ u_t+u\,u_x=0. $$ Send me your code and the graphs you obtain. You will see that, unlike the linear advection PDE, different parts of the graph move with different speeds. Explain why does this happen by comparing Burgers' PDE with the advection PDE.
- Do the same as above with the PDE $$ u_t+\frac{u_x}{1+u}=0. $$
Lecture 23, Apr 12
- Elliptic PDEs
- Section 2.5
Extra readings
- Chapter 9 of Butler's book Numerical Methods for Differential Equations with Python
Lecture 24, Apr 14
- The Finite Element Method: 1D
- Section 2.6
- 1D code analysis, by Niall Madden
Lecture 25, Apr 19
- The Finite Element Method: 2D
- 2D code analysis, by Niall Madden
- Section 2.6
Lecture 26, Apr 21
- The Finite Element Method: 2D
- Review
- Section 2.6