Isometric Immersions
- there is an integer $d\geq1$, called {\em defect} of ${\cal E}$, such that ${\cal A}={\cal A}^d\subset C^d(M,\mathbb R^q)$ and ${\cal A}$ is defined by some open differential relation;
- the map ${\cal E}:{\cal A}^d\times\Gamma^s(S^0_2M)\to TC^0(M,\mathbb R^q)$ defined by ${\cal E}(f,\eta)\to{\cal E}_f(\eta)$ is a PDO of order $d$ in the first variable and order $s$ in the second;
- $T_{f}{\cal D}_{M,q}({\cal E}_{f}(\delta g))=\delta g$ for all $f\in{\cal A}^d\cap C^{d+1}(M,\mathbb R^q)$ and $\delta g\in\Gamma^{s+1}(S^0_2M)$.
Theorem [Nash-Gromov IFT, 1986]. Let $F\to E$ be a fiber bundle, $G\to E$ a vector bundle and $\Gamma^rF$ and $\Gamma^sG$, respectively, the sets of their $C^r$ and $C^s$ sections. If a PDO of order $r$, ${\cal D}_r:\Gamma^rF\to\Gamma^0G$, admits an infinitesimal inversion of order $s$ and defect $d$ over ${\cal A}^d\subset\Gamma^dF$, then for every $f_0\in{\cal A}^d\cap\Gamma^\infty F$ there exists a neighborhood of zero ${\cal U}\subset \Gamma^{\bar s+s+1}G$, $\bar s=\max\{d,2r+s\}$, such that, for every $g\in{\cal U}\cap\Gamma^{\sigma+s}G$, $\sigma\geq \bar s+1$, the PDE $${\cal D}(f)={\cal D}(f_0)+g$$ has a $C^\sigma$ solution.
Corollary [Gromov, 1986]. Under the hypotheses of the theorem above, the restriction of ${\cal D}_r$ to ${\cal A}^\infty={\cal A}^d\cap\Gamma^\infty E$ is an open map.
As a corollary of this general theorem, taking $\cal A^\infty$ as the set of Free Maps $f:M\mathbb\to\mathbb R^q$, namely those maps whose first and second partial derivatives are linearly independent at every point, one gets immediately the following celebrated result of Nash:Theorem [Nash, 1956]. The restriction of ${\cal D}_{M,q}$ to $\hbox{Free}^\infty(M,\mathbb R^q)$ is an open map.
Jointly with G. D'Ambra and A. Loi, we used the Nash-Gromov's IFT above to extend the result of Nash to "partial isometries" as illustrated below.- G. D'Ambra, R. De Leo and A. Loi, Partially Isometric Immersions and Free Maps, Geometriae Dedicata, 151:1, 79-95, 2011, arXiv:1007.3024v1
- R. De Leo, Partial immersions and partially free maps, Differential Geometry and Its Applications, 29:S1, 52-57, 2011, manuscript
Conjecture [Gromov, 1986]. If $q>n(n+1)/2$, the operator ${\cal D}_{M,q}$ is open over an open dense subset of smooth maps.
Using a technique suggested by Gromov in his book, I was able to prove the following:Theorem [De Leo, 2017]. If $q\geq n+n(n+1)/2-\sqrt{n/2}+1/2$, the operator ${\cal D}_{M,q}$ is open over a non-empty open subset of smooth maps.
For more results and examples, see- R. De Leo, A note on non-free isometric immersions, Russian Math Surveys, 63:3, 577-579, 2010, arXiv:0905.0928v1
- R. De Leo, Proof of a Gromov conjecture on the infinitesimal invertibility of the metric inducing operators, Asian Journal of Mathematics, 23:6, pp 919-932, 2019, arXiv:1711.01709