Cohomological Equation

Keywords: Partial Differential Equations, Weak solutions, non-Hausdorff manifolds, Foliations, Almost-Complex structures, Symplectic Geometry

The main goal of this research field is finding solvability conditions for the simplest non-trivial PDE on the plane.

This PDE is the so-called Cohomological Equation $$Xf=g,$$ where $X=a(x,y)\partial_x + b(x,y)\partial_y$ is a planar vector field without zeros, namely $a^2+b^2>0$, and $g$ is a $C^k$ function for some $k=0,1,\dots$

In the non-trivial case, the space $F$ of the integral trajectories of $X$ is non-Hausdorff and the solvability of the relative Cohomological Equation is related to the differential structure of $F$.

In order to illustrate a concrete example, we call a set $U$ saturated if it is the union of trajectories of $X$. Two integral trajectories $t_1,t_2$ are said inseparable, and are called separatrices, when every saturated neighborhood $U_1$ of $t_1$ intersects every saturated neighborhood $U_2$ of $t_2$.

Then, when $$ X(x,y) = 2y\partial_x+(1-y^2)\partial_y, $$ the two horizontal lines $y=\pm1$ are integral trajectories of $X$ and are separatrices (see the left figure below). In this case, the space $F$ is, literally, a "$Y$", namely a manifold consisting in two real lines with the two negative half-lines identified. In particular, the two origins are inseparable in the induced quotient topology and correspond to the two separatrices mentioned above.

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One of my main results is the existence of normal coordinates for this problem. More precisely, I proved that in each saturated neighborhood of any two contiguous separatrices, it is possible to find coordinates so that the PDE writes simply as $$ \partial _y f'=g' $$ over the open set $\Omega=\mathbb R^2\setminus[0,\infty)$ (see the right figure above).

In the example above, a set of normal coordinates -- the ones used in the right figure above -- is given by $$ x'=(y^2-1)e^x,\;\;\; y'=-2y e^x. $$ Note that, as suggested in the figure, the image of the plane in the accented coordinates is the complement of the positive $x$ semiaxis. The two separatrices in the left figure map respectively, in the right figure, to the two half-lines $x'=0, y'>0$ and $x'=0, y'<0$.

See the articles below for more details, results and examples: