Self-Projective sets
Keywords: Self-Projective sets , Fractals , Semigroups , Matrices , Zeta-functions , Iterated Function Systems
After my re-discovery of the Levitt-Yoccoz gasket in 2006, I got interested in self-projective sets.
These are the natural next step after
and self-affine sets but, to my knowledge,
they had never been studied in literature. After a thorough analytical and numerical study of the Levitt-Yoccoz gasket
and its $n$-dimensional
generalization, posted to the arXiv in 2008 but not published elsewhere,
a talk by He Ooh at the University of Maryland in 2011 made me understand the connection
between the Levitt-Yoccoz gasket and the Apollonian gasket and this ultimately led me to prove some of the most important properties
I had seen numerically and failed to prove until then. My results were ultimately submitted in 2013 and published in 2014.
In particular, I proved the results below.

(a) When $u=16/25$, we have that
\psi_1(z) = \frac{4z+4}{z+7},\;\;
\psi_2(z) = \frac{4z-4}{-z+7},\;\;
\psi_3(z) = \frac{20z+12i}{-3iz+29},\;
The corresponding semigroup of $SL_2(\mathbb C)$ matrices is generated by
A_1 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{24}}\begin{pmatrix}4&4\cr 1&7\cr\end{pmatrix},\;\;
A_2 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{24}}\begin{pmatrix}4&-4\cr -1&7\cr\end{pmatrix},\;\;
A_3 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{544}}\begin{pmatrix}20&12i\cr -3i&29\cr\end{pmatrix}.
A numerical evaluation of its exponent gives the estimate $s\simeq2.88$, so $\dim_H R\simeq1.44$.
(b) For $u=1/2$ we get
\psi_1(z) = \frac{z+1}{2},\;\;
\psi_2(z) = \frac{z-1}{2},\;\;
\psi_3(z) = \frac{z+i}{2},\;
whose invariant set is the Sierpinki triangle.
(c) For $u=9/25$ we get
\psi_1(z) = \frac{3z+3}{-z+7},\;\;
\psi_2(z) = \frac{3z-3}{z+7},\;\;
\psi_3(z) = \frac{3z+6i}{2iz+11}.
Even in this case we get $\dim_H R\simeq1.44$.
(c) For $u=1/5$ we get
\psi_1(z) = \frac{z+1}{-z+3},\;\;
\psi_2(z) = \frac{z-1}{z+3},\;\;
\psi_3(z) = \frac{i}{iz+2},\;
whose invariant set is the Apollonian gasket.
In case of self-similar sets in real or complex dimension larger than one,
the geometry becomes more complicated and the theorem above no londer holds,
namely the Hausdorff dimension of the set is not univoquely determined by the
exponent $s$. In the real case, we formulate the following conjecture based
on several analytical and numerical concrete cases:
Definition [DL, 2014].
A free semigroup $\cal A=\langle A_1,\dots,A_k\rangle$ of real or complex $n\times n$ matrices is fast
if there is a constant $c>0$ such that
\|M A_i A_j N\|\geq c\|M\|\|A_iA_j N\|
for every $M,N\in\cal A$ and $i\neq j$.
Theorem [DL, 2014].
Let $\cal A$ be a fast free semigroup of $n\times n$ real or complex matrices and let $N(r)$ be the number of elements
of $\cal A$ of norm smaller than $r$. Then
\lim_{r\to\infty}\frac{\log N(r)}{\log r} = s
with $0<s<\infty$.
We call $s$ the exponent of $\cal A$.
Theorem [DL, 2014].
Let ${\cal A}=\langle A_1,\dots,A_k\rangle$ be a fast free semigroup of $2\times 2$ real or complex matrices with exponent $s$ and let
$\Psi=\langle \psi_1,\dots,\psi_k\rangle$ the corresponding semigroup of projective transformations.
Assume that all generators are hyperbolic and that there exist some open set $V$ over which all generators of $\Psi$
are contractions with respect to the Euclidean distance and satisfy
$0<a\leq|\psi'_i|\leq c<1$ for all $i$ and some
constants $a,c$. Finally, assume that the generators satisfy the open set condition $\psi_i(V)\cap\psi_j(V)=\emptyset$.
Let $R\subset V$ be the compact invariant set of $\Psi$. Then $$2\dim_H R=s.$$
An interesting example to which the theorem above applies is given by the 1-paramter family of semigroups of Mobius transformations leaving invariant
the triangle with vertices $-1,i,1$ generated by the three maps $\psi_1,\psi_2,\psi_3$ determined by the following conditions:
where $u+iv$ belongs to the circle $x^2+y^2-x=0$.
For each $u\in[1/5,0.651]$, the corresponding invariant compact set $R$ of the semigroup is
a complex self-projective set.

Conjecture [DL, 2014].
Let ${\cal A}\subset SL_n(\mathbb R)$ be a fast semigroup with exponent $s$
and denote by $R$ the invariant compact set of the induced semigroup
of projective transformations. Then
n\dim_H R\geq (n-1)s.
See the articles below for more details, results and examples:
- R. De Leo, Exponential growth of norms in semigroups of linear automorphisms and Hausdorff dimension of self-projective IFS., Journal of Geometrical Analysis, 25:3, 1798-1827, 2015, manuscript
- R. De Leo, A conjecture on the Hausdorff dimension of attractors of real self-projective Iterated Function Systems., Experimental Mathematics, 24:3, 270-288, 2015, manuscript