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Section 5.3 The QR decomposition

Anyone that studied linear algebra knows what is a QR-decomposition of a matrix \(A\) even without knowing it explicitly. It is a decomposition of \(A\) coming from the Gram-Schmidt method of orthonormalizing a basis of vectors. The idea is to consider each column \(i\) of \(A\) as a base vector \(e_i\) (since \(A\) is invertible, all its columns are linearly independent) and using Gram-Schmidt to ortho-normalize them.

The components of the orthonormalized vectors fill up an orthogonal matrix \(Q\) (namely \(Q^{-1}\) is equal to its transpose \(Q^*\)) and \(Q^*A\) is an upper triangular matrix usually denoted by \(R\text{,}\) so that \(A=QR\text{.}\)

Let us see this in detail starting with the \(2\times2\) matrix and performing calculations in \(D_3\).
\begin{equation*} \begin{pmatrix}1&2\cr 3&4\cr\end{pmatrix}. \end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} v_1 = (1,3),\;\;v_2 = (2,4) \end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} e_1 = \frac{v_1}{\|v_1\|} = \frac{(1,3)}{\|(1,3)\|} \simeq (0.316 , 0.949 ) \end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} e_2 = \frac{v_2-\langle v_2,e_1\rangle e_1}{\|v_2-\langle v_2,e_1\rangle e_1\|} \simeq \frac{(2,4) - 4.43(0.316 , 0.949)}{\|(2,4) - 4.43(0.316 , 0.949)\|} \simeq (0.948,-0.319). \end{equation*}
Notice that
\begin{equation*} \|e_1\|\simeq1.00, \; \langle e_1,e_2\rangle\simeq0.00, \; \|e_1\|\simeq1.00. \end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} Q = \begin{pmatrix}0.316&\phantom{-}0.948\cr 0.949&-0.319\cr\end{pmatrix}. \end{equation*}
Now we can find \(R=Q^*A\text{.}\) Let us do the math to Python:
To keep our implementation of the QR algorithm light, rather than writing our QR decomposition general code we will use SciPy's one: