Section 8.5 Simpson rule (n=2)
Take x0=a, x1=(a+b)/2 and x2=b. Then
Hence the method formula is
Simpson rule error. From the Newton-Cotes error formula (recall that n is even and so we need to use the remainder for n=3), the error bound is given by
After the usual decomposition procedure, we get finally that
Convergence Speed. The formula above shows that the truncation error of the Riemann sum is O(h4). Below we visualize this scaling law by evaluating the error in the computation of ∫20sin(x)dx with h=2−j,1≤j≤10. Due to the high convergence speed of this method, the round-off error shows already before h−3 but the error, before the round-off error kicks-off, goes down to about 10−15 (for a much larger h than it was possible with the previous methods). xxxxxxxxxx
from numpy import linspace,array,frompyfunc,sin,zeros
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
n=15; a=0.; b=2.; N=1
s = zeros(n); err = zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
h = (b-a)/N
x = linspace(a,b,N+1) # these are the x_i
sim = ( sin(x[:-1]) + 4*sin((x[:-1]+x[1:])/2) + sin(x[1:]) ) / 6; # Simpson rule term
s[i] = sum(h*sim) # this is the integral
err[i] = abs(1-cos(2)-s[i]) # and this is the actual error
N *= 2
I = range(n)
h = array([(b-a)/2**i for i in I])
plt.xlabel('log h')
plt.ylabel('log y')