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Section 3.7 Python recap

Conditionals. The instruction if ... else ... allows programmers to tell Python to execute different segments of code depending on some the trutth value of a given logical condition. Common logical conditions consist in comparisons of two mathematical expressions through the operators
  • < (smaller than);
  • <= (smaller than or equal to);
  • > (greater than);
  • >= (greater than or equal to);
  • == (equal to);
Recall that = is an assignment, the logical operator testing the equality of two expressions is ==.

Comparing floating-point numbers. Due to the ever-present round-off errors, it is never a good idea comparing with == two floating point numbers, as the following code shows:
A better solution is to fix some tolerance eps and asking that the distance between the two numbers is smaller than that:
Of course in this case by "equal" we really mean "close enough to each other for our purposes".

Defining functions. What if we need to define, within Python, a function, say \(f(x)=\sin x-3x^4\text{?}\) the simplest solution is using the syntax as in the example below:
In Python's jargon, these are called Anonymous functions.